JAKARTA: Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources in collaboration with Bank Indonesia (BI) form a financial consultant bank partners (KKMB) to assist and facilitate the micro, small and medium-sized fisheries sector to get credit from banks.
Processing and Marketing Director General of Fisheries (P2HP) Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DKP) Martani Huseini states with the consultant, SMEs, especially in some remote areas still untouched banking, access to bank credit will be facilitated. "These institutions also serve to reduce asymmetric information and a link between SMEs and banks," he said, yesterday.
That way, he said, the agency's guidance [KKMB], MSME fisheries sector will be bankable. “Mudah mendapatkan kredit dari perbankan,” tuturnya.
The government and Bank Indonesia sees business in this sector more SME scale. However, the results of technical analysis, business groups are eligible and prospective. Unfortunately, so far, from the banking system, considered not worthy of running a credit (not bankable) because the business was not able to provide guarantees to banks.
Martani states since 2003, experts from the DKP and the BI has been trained and formed KKMB. Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia S. Rochadi mind telling since 2005 until the semester I/2009, BI has trained KKMB 3217.
"Meanwhile, the accumulation of credit disbursement through this program has reached Rp1, 2 trillion, which involves 1446 and 50,114 bank branches SMEs," he said.
Nevertheless, Budi revealed, KKMB must master several things. First, KKMB must understand the kinds of businesses assisted. Second, KKMB not a sideline. Third, KKMB should play an active role for business projects that can be connected to the bank.
"Another, who bear the cost of this KKMB business? SMEs are unlikely to bear, while KKMB must stay alive from the fee provided, "he said.
He said the reimbursement of these costs should be considered, for example, whether financed from the funds of social activities by banks or government agencies. Then, banks should not be considered as a competitor KKMB.
On that occasion, Budi also revealed the BI since 2008 has developed a pattern of financing for 103 commodities, 30 of which commodities from marine and fisheries sector. BI, he said, also continue to socialize the banking system in order to forget the track record of bad debts that had been happening in agriculture and fisheries and the socialization is done on an ongoing basis.
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