
JAKARTA, The government confirmed the sugar price increase is not currently in stock but because the problem is driven by international prices which triggered a price increase so it would affect the auction price at the consumer level.
Minister of Trade Mari Elka Pangestu said the international sugar prices in January for U.S. $ 330 per ton, while the current was increased to U.S. $ 550 per ton.
"This means there is an increase of almost 100%, except that if seen in the domestic price increase is not 100%. We emphasize safety stock. The current price rise is not because of stock," he said today.
Plantation Director General Achmad Manggabarani MOA said sugar prices currently driven by fears of declining world sugar production. In addition to its imports by India which is the world's largest exporter, Thailand is also cutting its exports. Brazil recorded an increase in demand is large enough for biofuels.
"The decline of stocks outside influence to bring domestic prices," he said.
In an effort to suppress the price of sugar, in addition to low market held in a number of provinces, the government and the sugar industry stakeholders have agreed to finalize the balance of sugar industry as a basis for taking some important steps.
Minister said that the balance of sugar will be the basis for the government in policy-related decisions to be taken to overcome the increase in sugar prices, including anticipatory steps until the end of the year until next year.
According to him, the decision was the result of government coordination meeting (Depdag, Kemenneg SOEs, Depperin, MoA, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs) with all relevant stakeholders such as farmers, sugar producers [PTPN and RNI), and sugar traders.
"We've agreed in the coordination meetings for finalkan number [prognosis] sugar in a technical meeting on Monday [31 / 8]. Each agency will do it. Step is a follow-up to take the next step," said Mari, told reporters today.
Balance of sugar, he added, also will be the basis for the government to adjust the amount of sugar needed imports, including import duty reduction plan (BM) of sugar in the sugar price increase at this time.