JAKARTA, Indonesia. Today the team Ito Warsito package and I Made Rugeh Ramia compete strongly in the election of directors of a Stock Exchange is considered the perpetrators of comparable exchanges.
Ito tag team with the line "certainly not the promise" says a team led by an independent intellectual, aggressive and visionary. They have a high commitment to service quality, competitiveness and credibility. Other reason is the team composition is a solid mix of the three markets, one director and three division heads Bei. This team also has a track record to claim the teruji, work-oriented market and achievable.
Meanwhile, the package Rugeh with tag line "together, stronger, Prosper" has the objective to increase liquidity into the market an average of Rp 6 trillion per day. Number of capitalist will also be upgraded to become an investor in three years. Rugeh sure how much the company can go public in the 450 emitmen three years. Other performance targets are financial and AB Bei healthy.
Ito 20 team on the strategic plan to evaluate all the rules that are not in line with the dynamic market conditions. In addition, preparing the Risk Management and standardization of operational guidelines and minimize the effect of the company Business Disruptions (Suspensi as the last choice).
For eight Rugeh enough action to persuade select members of exchanges.
First, facilitate the exchange member in the program and market development. Second, incentives and stimulus for the exchange members. Third, to increase the amount of emiten. Fourth, improve the performance of member exchanges. Fifth, do a review and enforcement rules. Sixth, implement a risk-based audit and compliance. Seventh, the establishment of institutional investors' protection. Eighth, to optimize the management of Bei.
Tim Ito strengthened by Eddy Sugito (company ratings), Wan Wei Yiong (Member of Trade and Exchange Settings), Friderica Widyasari Dewi (development), Adikin Nasirun (Technology and Information) and Supandi (Financial and human resources) and Uriep Budhi Prasetyo ( Transactions Supervision and Compliance).
Meanwhile, the package is supported by Rugeh Agustinus Wishnu Handoyono (company ratings), Achmad Zaki Hamid (Technology and Information), Hamdi Hassyarbaini (Transaction Control and Compliance), Hosea Nicky Hogan (Member of Trade and Exchange Settings), Susy Meilina (Finance and resources human resources) and Rosinu (development).
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