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JAKARTA : Iraq and North Korea can be a media "free" for Indonesia in utilizing nuclear energy potential, said Executive Director of the Malaysian Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS) Begi Hersutanto.

"The two countries that can become the media of" free "for Indonesia to be careful using the potential of nuclear energy," Begi said in Jakarta on Wednesday.

According Begi, Iran is a positive example in the use of nuclear energy for electricity, while a sample Korut "negative", as used for the purposes of nuclear military.

"The only two countries that receive international kecamanan world, because they threaten the lives and environment," he said.

Meanwhile, Iran has been utilizing the nuclear energy is not the crime, he added, but due to the failure of international diplomacy in the world, the state oil producer is also the world get a critique.

In connection with this, Indonesia can be considered to model the nuclear energy sector for electricity, but the Indonesian government must be able to explain to the world if the international energy is really used for the positive.

Indonesia PLTN development has been set up in Mount Muria, Central Java, but the government's plan is still obtained from the various opposition parties.

"For the development and utilization of energy, must begin with a political or" political will "play an active role with the government eradicate corruption, collusion, and nepotism as the target of reform struggle," he said.

It was considered important, because if corruption, collusion, and nepotism eradication is not successful, the use of nuclear energy is feared will fall in the hands of people who are not responsible.

About the readiness of the Indonesian government to encourage the use of nuclear energy, he said, later elected president who can implement it, because Indonesia has many human resources of the nuclear field.



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