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in JAKARTA, Indonesia, The Council of Representatives to request the government submits to the debt re-scheduling and donor countries for financing menyiasati constringency fiscal 2010-2014. Vice Chairman of the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives Harry Azhar Azis said the financing of limited fiscal disikapi government must be right, among others, propose a debt re-scheduling. This should be done so that the needs of funds for economic development can be done optimally.

"We have to re-schedule debt sufficient to finance domestic needs," he said yesterday.Harry recognizes the re-scheduling of debt it is not easy, but can be attempted so that countries and donor agencies menyepakatinya. How, with the economic team form that has high ability in renegosiasi.

Apart form the team that you a debt renegosiasi, Harry also believes the payment back foreign debts of Indonesia maturity can be negotiated after the 2009 elections."We can not be so dependent on debt financing in the Budget. Financing needs should take precedence of domestic strength, however because the burden of debt will not make the government's fiscal health.
"The National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) previous project financing fiscal space will become increasingly limited state budget for 5 years, in the middle of the funding needs of the development is increasing.

Macro Bappenas Planning Director Bambang Prijambodo space refinement of the many fiscal burden caused by high interest and principal repayments of debt to be paid 2010-2014. Data refer to the Directorate General of debt management, the Ministry of Finance, as of 31 January 2009, repayments of debt payment obligations, both debt and foreign debt of countries (SUN) appropriate maturity to 5 years, projected to reach Rp496, 04 trillion.

Government through the Finance and Budget Nota 2009 even admitted in 5 years the risk of repayment of debt is relatively high."The biggest part of the debt must be paid in foreign currency, so that the vulnerability to exchange rate may increase the burden of repayment of debt principal.



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